Friday 6 March 2009

News! 2nd Call for Applicants announced soon!

CommDe will announce our second call for applicants for 2009 academic year soon.
The 2nd call will allow CommDe to consider applicants who may not meet our academic criteria but show strong potential, through portfolio & interview, to be offer a place on condition.

Please watch this space.


Unknown said...

Is the second round open for all students or only the candidates who send in their applications during the first round already?

Juthamas Tangsantikul said...

The 2nd call will be open for all students ka. For those who already submitted their applications in the 1st call and want to reuse their portfolios, pls email us as soon as possible so that we can get them all prepared. Chulalongkorn University Academic Testing Center will organise another CU-TAD the end of this month. Pls check with for update news.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the reply krub.
According to the update
"The 2nd call will allow CommDe to consider applicants who may not meet our academic criteria"

Does this mean that students who do not pass requirements such as CU-TAD may be considered if they have a strong portfolio?
During the first round, students who do not pass the requirement wouldnt even be considered[according to phone calls] Which I find radther strange na kub. Art students cant just all of a sudden be creative from 9.00 - 11.00. Also, CU-TAD was (mainly)made for Architecture students and COMMDE. is different from ARCH students. EG. "Perspective Drawing sections"
So I am kinda skeptical about the test being the vital key in getting in the second round.
So I was wondering If I would be considered if I don't pass the CU-TAD. But have a strong port. Thanks na kub.

appy said...


I am just wondering in the first round, if the professors even looked at the student's portfolios.
I was shocked to find out that some of my friends I did not even make it in the first round with a couple of points missing in the CU-TAD and (what I believe) a strong portfolio. My friends and I have been taking the International Baccalaureate Art course for two full years (I hope you do know what that is), and we are wondering why we even need to take the Architecture test when the Program is Communication Design. I already asked one of the staffs and they replied that it is in the Architecture Faculty so we must take it, which does not make much sense.

I'm sorry if this sounds very rude, however my friends and I want some answers.

Juthamas Tangsantikul said...

Fist of all, thanx for all the comments. Let me address the issues raised point by point.

Why do CommDe applicants need to take the CU-TAD test?

CU-TAD is a test that aimed to evaluate aptitude in design. Certain aspects focused in the test are also important to communication design, particularly when we are talking about communication design which include 3D and 4D. Yet, I must admit that CommDe should not have barred the minimum requirements of CU-TAD score. We agreed to use the same requirements as INDA in the first place because we were convinced that it will not confused the applicants who want to apply for the international programme at the school of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University. So the answer that you got was, in a way, true.

Did the professors even looked at the student's portfolios?

Yes, we did. That is why we knew right away that we had to announce the 2nd call. As I explained in the previous post that the second announcement will allow CommDe to consider and allocate space for those who might not meet the academic criteria; i.e. did not have upto 60% CU-TAD, on condition.

Why we couldn't consider the applicants who did not meet our academic criteria in the 1st call?

Please note that I use the work 'couldn't'. CommDe was bound, legally and ethically, by the announcement signed by the rector of Chulalongkorn University. The word 'consider' in this sentence means to officially brought into the process of consideration. It doesn't mean to look at or to look through. Please also note that we had many meetings to discuss the matter.

I hope I have answered your questions. If you need any more information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are pleased that you voice your concern. It is very important to us.

VrTech said...

I've question.

Could you please tell me about the maximum of portfolio pages?
From the last announcement.Portfolio may include with 15 pages at maximum.Is that right?
If it can be ,I will do more than that about 20-25 pages.

Thank you for answering :)

worawit said...

To whom it may concern
I'd like to share my comments against CommDe's 1st round qualification evaluation, among the 90s CommDE applications, only 40s were allowed to take interview whereas the balance lost the opportunity to take the aptitude test/personnal interview, which seemed unjustified. Why I mentioned such things! because in comparison to INDA 1st round applications and evaluation for interview process, all the candidates more than 180s applied, INDA opened the chance to all of them to take part or show their intellectual/perceptions/creativeness other than official Test requirements specified (CU-TEP,CU-TAD,PORTFOLIO etc.)The process sounded fairly and satisfactory to scrutinise or select widely qualified candidates. then,the number of successful candidates were almost met the target of committee, on the contrary, CommDE lost the qualified candidates far away from recruitment target that can be seen from the result of official admission on Mar.10th because CommDe is not the first priority to students,they have applied quite number of Int'l English program it might be 3rd or low runner position from students' choice.
I certainly concluded that this is CommDe's failure to recruit in the 2nd round as I have checked and discussed with students/parents even university staff due to unfair process and limited time for CU-TEP,CU-TAD test result
Sincerely yours,
The Disappointed

Puvanai Dardarananda said...

คุณ Worawit



ทั้งของ INDA และ CommDe มีข้อความในประกาศเกือบจะเหมือนกัน 100%

ขอยืนยันว่าทาง CommDe ได้ดำเนินการตามประกาศของทางมหาวิทยาลัยอย่างตรงไปตรงมา
และนี่ไม่ใช่ unfair process ตามที่คุณได้กล่าวหามา

อย่างไรก็ดี ทาง CommDe ได้ทราบดีถึงข้อจำกัดที่จะรับนิสิตที่มีผลงานดีเลิศ แต่มีผลทดสอบภาษาอังกฤษหรือ CU-TAD ต่ำกว่าเกณฑ์ไปบ้าง

ในประกาศรับสมัครครั้งที่สอง CommDe ได้เปิดโอกาสให้ทางคณะกรรมการคัดเลือก สามารถพิจารณาผู้สมัครที่มีผลงานดีเยี่ยม เข้าในหลักสูตรได้แม้ผลการทดสอบภาษาอังกฤษ หรือ CU-TAD จะต่ำกว่าเกณฑ์ไปบ้าง