Friday 12 December 2008

Application Period

Apply in Person
Period 5th- 30th January 2009
Office hr. 9.00 - 16.00
at the office of BA Communication Design

Tuesday 25 November 2008

Monday 24 November 2008

Chula Vichakarn

This year Chula Vichakarn will be between 26th-30th Nov 08

You can find CommDe booth on the ground floor, central stairwell, Architecture Building.
You are also invited to a programme introduction talk on Friday, (28th Nov 08), between 13.30-14.30 room 211 School of Architecture, Chulalongkorn University. Please make a reservation by email See you there.

Wednesday 12 November 2008

On Portfolio

As we have received a number of inquiries about what we mean by a portfolio and what kind of works should be included, we hope that you would find the information below useful.

A portfolio consists of works that you have done in relation to art and/or design. It would normally contain between 10-15 pieces, including 5-7 observational drawings (that is, drawings from real life; for example, still life, portrait, landscape, figure, not photos).   Other than that you can include paintings, prints, photos, graphics, ceramics, furniture, models, jewelry --- whatever you like and are good at doing. They could be parts of your school projects or self-initiated. You should also include the the works that show your thinking process, i.e. how the finished pieces come to be.

We would advise that you submit your best, most recent pieces, especially pieces that you truly enjoy. Your portfolio can show a narrowly focused body of work or a wide range of media. The important thing is to remember that we are not expecting to see professional works, but evidence of certain qualities that which suggest to us CommDe is the programme for you - qualities like creativity, imagination, inquisitiveness, motivation, drive, dedication and enthusiasm.

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Entry Requirements

1. Application Form (downloadable -- please check for update)
2. English: TOEFL/ CU-TEP min 550 IELTS 6
3. Math: CU-AAT, SAT or IB no minimum requirement
4. Aptitude Test: CU-TAD  minimum requirement 60 percent
5. Portfolio
6. Interview

Tuesday 28 October 2008

Programme Leaflet and curriculum model

Please find our programme leaflet via the link belowed:

and curriculum model*:

* Please be noted that the purpose of the curriculum model is to show an example as how each year might be structured. In practice, they may be slightly different from the one shown. The courses, however, are as shown.

Monday 22 September 2008


Dear all,

While we are preparing for our formal web site, we will be using this space to share information regarding our department's new international programme, BA Communication Design. Please find relevant information below.

Communication Design preparation team